Solved by New Physics:                     List of  Problems in Physics

New Physics/ SURe eliminates all mysteries,  inconsistencies and open questions of Physics.








Unsolved Problems of Astrophysics

and the Solutions by New Physics/ SURe

In this chapter first the copied problem (from Wikipedia) is listed

followed by the solution of New Physics/ SURe.  


Last Update: 03.05.2023 

Astronomy and astrophysics


Astrophysical jet by New Physics:

Astrophysical jets  have never been observed. It is impossible that strongly focused high energetic particle beams can be generated in cosmos. All shown pictures of jets show clearly a row of stars or sister galaxies, Stars are often concentrated along linear paths when there is a strong magnetic field along this path. 


Also accretion discs have never been observed. There is no valid physical  mechanism to form such a disk and there is  no valid physical mechanism for such a transfer of material. The only reason for the theory of existence of accretion disc is to support the theory that white dwarfs increase their mass so that a supernova occurs. If physicists would have the knowledge how a supernova is activated, they would know, that accretion of mass strongly hinders a supernova. Overall accretion of matter from other stars are physically not possible. Also binary star systems are physically impossible. Every star is fully controlled by gravitational force exercised by a black hole. Interactions beween stars is not possible. White dwarfs do not increase their masses before a supernova.


.Periodic eruptions of  energy  are a common characteristic for all hydrogen stars like sun. These are caused by eruptions of chains of photons which are ignited by collisions in atmospere of stars. Big suns produce very long chains of photons, which are called magnetic fields. In addition these are so numerous that the explosions occur continuously all over the surface. Single periodic eruptions and explosions occur for small suns like white dwarfs.  The chains of photons are generated. in center of stars by nuclear fusion. of protons from hydrogen. After generation these travel  to the surface of the star,  where these are stoped by a surface membrane. They build up pressure until the membran breaks It is well known that this processs is more or less periodic.. 


  • Diffuse interstellar bands: What is responsible for the numerous interstellar absorption lines detected in astronomical spectra? Are they molecular in origin, and if so which molecules are responsible for them? How do they form?

Diffuse interstellar bands by New Physics:

These are mainly generated by interstellar magnetic fields. Magnetic fields can get extreme huge and have different strength of stability depending on structure . In addition cosmic particles are bound to the magnetic chain structures like protons, electrons and cosmic molecules. All these and also magnetic fields are causing spectroscopic absorption lines. 


  • Supermassive black holes: What is the origin of the M-sigma relation between supermassive black hole mass and galaxy velocity dispersion?[39] How did the most distant quasars grow their supermassive black holes up to 1010 solar masses so early in the history of the universe?

Supermassive black holes  by New Physics:

Whereas stellar black holes are generated out of neutron stars by slow reactions of proton complexes to photon-conplexes., a supermassive black hole is generated by freezing of omnipresent photons which is done very rapid. The term "black hole" for a star is rather unscientific and should be eliminated. New Physics uses the term "photon star". Photon stars are the first stars in Universe because photons already were generated after some days.after generation of electrons as fundamental particles.

For detailed informations about black holes see under chapter "Greatest Errors).

Orbital velocities in galaxies by New Physics:

(see under Galaxy Rotation Problem few chapters  below ).


  • Kuiper cliff: Why does the number of objects in the Solar System's Kuiper belt fall off rapidly and unexpectedly beyond a radius of 50 astronomical units?
Kuiper cliff by New Physics:
Kuiper Kliff are normal but relative small celestial bodies in the outer region of the sun system. There is a distance to sun, where there is no adequate gravitational force to sun any more, thus beyond this distance celestial bodies escape the sun system. 
Flyby anomaly by New Physics:
The density of omnipresent photons increase by reduction of distance to celestial bodies, This causes that all bodies decrease  their propagation velocity by decreasing celestial bodies and increase their propagation speed by increasing distance to celestial bodies, This change of propagation speed does not change the kinetic energie of objects. The effect adds to velocity change by acceleration including gravitation. The influence of density of ONs causes also the perihelion precession of mercury and all other anomal orbital movements like deviations from exact circling..
  • Galaxy rotation problem: Is dark matter responsible for differences in observed and theoretical speed of stars revolving around the centre of galaxies, or is it something else?


Rotation curve of a typical spiral galaxy: predicted (A) and observed (B). Can the discrepancy between the curves be attributed to dark matter?


Galaxy rotation problem by New Physics:

Current theories of gravitation are no reality. Forces by attraction are physically impossible. All forces are caused by kinetic energy of particles or bodies except the force to accelerate movement to position of minimal spin energy. Gravitational force is a result of collisions of omnipresent photons to bodies  Of course a concentration gradient of OPs is needed to have a force to the direction of lowest density of free moving omnipresent photons. Radiated Photons have no effect, as these are billion times less concentrated than OPs. .

The dependebcy of gravitational force by distance to celestial bodies is quite different for sun stars and planets compared to black holes, because black holes emit many more photons as other celestial bodies. Black holes emit photons by evaporation of frozen photons. Black holes consist completely of frozen photons. There is a permanent equilibrium of freezing and evaporation of photons, which is very important  because gravtational force of galaxies would not be stable.


The generally accepted diagram above shows the unusual orbital velocities in spiral galaxies. The most unusual observation is not mentioned by physicist, as this would show a fatal error of curent physics. It is the fact, that orbital velocities strongly reduce by approaching the black hole.This proves that there is no gravitational force near black holes.

Explanation of not existing  gravitational force around black holes by New Physics:

Because of the evaporation of OPs the concentration gradient around the surface of black holes is even negative, which means that there is antigravitation. The antigravitation slowly reduces by distance to surface as the emitted free photons bind during propagation more and more to bound chain structures of photons. This region of antigravitation is the most important phenomenon in the universe, because it avoids collisions to black holes which would destabilize the generation of gravitational force and thus the complete galaxy.

Explanation of galactical bulge:

By further distance to black hole the total concentration of photons reduces and even stronger reduces the density of bound .

.photons. By this the normal gravitational force in direction of black hole is generated. The strong increase of gravitational force causes, that in this region there is an extreme high density of celestial bodies. This fact is observed as the so called galactical bulge. Also the galctical bulge is very important for galaxies, because the strong  emissions of photons towards the black hole compensate the losses by evaporation. By fundamental laws of nature.(Weltformel) interactions between high energetic and low energetic free moving photons are not possible.

Explanation of constant orbital velocities in outer region:

Whereas the reduction of gravitational force by distance in regions near surface of celestial bodies correlates to spherical volume, in outer regions the gravitational force reduces by distance proportional to circle perimeter. This reduction is conform to the fact that orbital velocitis do not change significabtly by distance as observed in the diagam. The cause for this is that the main concentration of omnipresent photons are gathered in a plane level. 

Overall New Physics can logically explain all obserations concerning black holes  contrary to present physic.


  • Supernovae: What is the exact mechanism by which an implosion of a dying star becomes an explosion?

There is not any statement in current theories of supernovae which is physical reality except few observations.

Physical Reality of Supernova explained by New Physics:

Supernovae are following runaway reactions:

1. Chains of bonded photons from hydrogen decay to photons (=heat und light)  and

2. Big structures of bound protons which are called protonium by New Physics decay to atomic nuclei.

Thus the fuel of supernovae consists of hydrogen with more or less proton-proton bondings.  The reaction mechanism for supernovae are always the same. The fusion reactions require cold temperature and high pressure. The emitted products of supernovae form clouds and later do bondings and form new sun systems.

The ignition is activated  by sudden release of pressurized matter (magnetic fields). A supernova is a self-accelerated reaction at the beginning and then the reaction is controlled by the surface area of the star. In the center of the exploding star there is often nearly 100% protonium. Protonium is very stable and therefore survives the supernova as remnant which is called neutron star. It should be called protonium star. Supernovae of white dwarfs have no remnant, as white dwarfs are too small (too low pressure) to generate 100% protonium..   

p-nuclei by New Physics:
Atomic nuclei do not consist of protons und neutrons. Atomic nuclei are bonded structures of protons, where the protons can hardly be  identfied as protons, But parts of the protonic structure in an nucleus can react to a structure, which can decay to a neutron. Overall nuclei are separate particles. . By collisions with high energetic photons the photon can be added permanentely to the nucleus by which an electron decays from the photon. The emission of electrons by decay reactions are the reason for the erroneous theory that there are free electrons in atoms. There is also a reaction by which a neutron iand an electron is  generated out of a proton. .
Overall the periodic table of atoms doesn't describe the reality of atoms including masses. . This caused that the definion of real structures, which fit to all observations was and still is one of the most difficult tasks of New Physics.
Hydrogen has been generated within few days after generation of the universe. All reactions in early universe occured by low temperatures. Hot temperatures would not have allowed any generation of matter  as bonding reactions require cold temperatures.  The cold temperatures caused that hydrogen first condensed to hydrogen clouds and then crystallized to hydrogen stars. Crystallization or freezing of hydrogen is well known by physicists by experimental observations. Freezing occurs by mutual bondings of the protons of hydrogen, and thus is a nuclear fusion reaction. By the pressure in center of stars hydrogen reacts further by nuclear fusion to neutronium. Before nuclear fusion of protons the electromagnetic fields (chains of neutrinos), which bind atomic electrons to atomic nuclei, are released and travel to the surface of star.Partly thes decay to IR-radiation (= IR-neutrinos or heat). Only very  little helium is generated in stars. All other atoms and most helium is generated by supernovae (nuclear fission of neutronium).
Ultra-high-Energy cosmic ray by New Physics:
UHECR can be cosmic photons or cosmic protons. It has been potulated that these have extreme high kinetic energy in order to explain that these cause by collision billions of subatomic particles with high kinetic energy during their travel through atmosphere. The high amounts of particles are called air showers..
The wrong thinking of physcists is that the energy of UHECR is transferred by collision. The reality is, that the energy is generated by decay of protons after collision,
Currently we are in a crazy and unacceptable situatuion concerning physics. People all over the world discuss about energy and energy generation, but currently  in physics is a completely wrong knowledge about energy.. There are no scientific definitions of energy and energy generation, which causes that physicists have tried already over 60 years withou success to generateenergy analog to sun.
Scientifical definition of energy generation: 
.Energy generation is exclusively done by decay reactions of particles, because by this unusable vibration energy of bondings is converted to usable kinetic energy..
So the correct explanation of the high energies of air showers is, that this energy is not the energy of the UHECR, but the energy is generated by self accelerated decay reactions of protons.
All decay reactions convert non-usable bonding energy to usable kinetic energy. The decay  products of protons have so much energy  that these can cause further proton decays and so on. This explains the form and the huge energy of air showers. It is not an issue of energy of the first collision; it is just an issue of statistics how many collisions against protons occur. The activation can be done by much lower energy. The potency of energy generation can get up to billions. 
  • Rotation rate of Saturn: Why does the magnetosphere of Saturn exhibit a (slowly changing) periodicity close to that at which the planet's clouds rotate? What is the true rotation rate of Saturn's deep interior?[40]

Magnetosphere of Saturn by New Physics

The question has not been understood.
But a serious general problem of current physics is that the generation of magnetic fields of celestial bodies including earth have not been understood and are wrongly explained. Magnetic fields of celestial bodies are simply generated by self-rotation. By self rotation there occur collisions of omnipresent photons to free electrons in surface materials. Omnipresent photons follow the movement of celestial bodies but not their self-rotation. By collisions of phootons and electrons thes bind to pions. Pions are leaving the earth surface and bind in atmosphere to magnetic fields.
This provess can easy be verified on poles of earth, as on poles the generation of magnetic fields does not work..
If there is matter with free electrons in clouds of Saturn, these generate magnetic fields depending on movement of
Origin of  Magnetic field of Magnetars  by New Physics
This is the same as described above..
Magnetars are neutron stars which consists of protonium..So these just have higher rotation frequencies than normal. Extrene high rotation frequencies like postulated for pulsars are not possible.
  •  Large-scale anisotropy: Is the universe at very large scales anisotropic, making the cosmological principle an invalid assumption? The number count and intensity dipole anisotropy in radio, NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS) catalogue[41] is inconsistent with the local motion as derived from cosmic microwave background[42][43] and indicate an intrinsic dipole anisotropy. The same NVSS radio data also shows an intrinsic dipole in polarization density and degree of polarization[44] in the same direction as in number count and intensity. There are several other observation revealing large-scale anisotropy. The optical polarization from quasars shows polarization alignment over a very large scale of Gpc.[45][46][47] The cosmic-microwave-background data shows several features of anisotropy,[48][49][50][51] which are not consistent with the Big Bang model.
Large-scale anisotropy by New Physics
Our universe must have a limit. Thus concerning this limit the universe is anisotropic, but within the limits of the universe  is isotropic. Cosmic microwave background shows the anisotropy of omnipresent photons, Movement of omnipresent photons is constant to movement of our black hole. Thus we can see the movement of earth through galaxy. by anisotropy of CMB. But this should be randomly different between different galaxies. Thus within a galaxy there is anisotropy but on large scale there is no anisotropy.  
  • Space roar: Why is space roar six times louder than expected? What is the source of space roar?
Space roar by New Physics
The most severe problem of physics is that there are lots of fundamental problem, which have to be solved before you can solve other issues like space roar.  Fundamental problems are for example that in physics there is no definitopn of what can be measured and and it is unknown what is measured by radiometer or radioantennas (measrement of space roar.). The answers of these question are: 1. Only kinetic energies of particle or bodies can be measured. (Electromagnetic waves are physically impossible and do not exist.), 2. the particles measured by radiometers are electron pairs, so kinetic energy of electron pairs are measured,  The next research task would be to get the knowledge where electon pairs can be generated in space. The answer is: As electron pairs are generated by decay of photons, these are generated everywhere, where photons are created. The advantage of electron pairs is, that these are mostly not absorbed. and can easily be detected by antennas. Most interesting neasurements of electron pairs is to measure omnipresent electron pairs, by which you get also information of energies of omnipresent photons.
Space roar probably is generated by supernova.
  • Age–metallicity relation in the Galactic disk: Is there a universal age–metallicity relation (AMR) in the Galactic disk (both "thin" and "thick" parts of the disk)? Although in the local (primarily thin) disk of the Milky Way there is no evidence of a strong AMR,[52] a sample of 229 nearby "thick" disk stars has been used to investigate the existence of an age–metallicity relation in the Galactic thick disk, and indicate that there is an age–metallicity relation present in the thick disk.[53][54] Stellar ages from asteroseismology confirm the lack of any strong age-metallicity relation in the Galactic disc.[55]

Age-metallic relation by New Physics

It has alreay been mentioned that hydrogen was generated very early in universe and that all other atoms needed

evolution of stars until supernova, so there is age-metallicity relation in sun systems, but ther is no age-metallicity relation

in galaxies. All galaxies have the same age.

Lithium Problem by New Physics
As theories of big bang and nucleosynthesis are no reality the predicted amount of Li-7  can't be accurate.
Ultraluminous pulsar by New Physics:
There are just three possibilitis in cosmos to  generate extreme high amounts of radiation:
* Supermovae
* Collisions of all kind of  celestial bodies
* High densities of stars which are present in bulge of galaxies
Radiation in all 3 cases can have a broad range of energies including more or less amounts of X-rays. 
High frequency of collisions of stars to supermassive neutrino stars (galactical center) can lead to an irregular pulsation with strong intensities, The eddington Limit has no scientific basis and does not exist. For comparisons of  luminescence/ intensities of radiation it is important to use same maesurement equipment.  
  • Fast radio bursts: Transient radio pulses lasting only a few milliseconds, from emission regions thought to be no larger than a few hundred kilometres, and estimated to occur several hundred times a day. While several theories have been proposed, there is no generally accepted explanation for them. The only known repeating FRB emanates from a galaxy roughly 3 billion light years from Earth.[58][59]

Fast Radio Bursts by New Physics

In current physics radio signals are not correctly  defined.. Radio signals are emitted electron pairs. Electron pairs have a 3 times lower mass than a photon. Therefore an electron pair should be faster than a photon. Radio signals are detected by antenna  where these decay to two electrons.. This means that one impuls from a single radio signal  is just the impils of a single electron, which has a very low energy, Radio signals are generated in low concentration by collision of photons. High energetic electron pairs go through every matter except heavy metals..