The basis of Vogel's Theory of Everything (VTOE) is a new scientifically sound model of particles. As it results from chemical principles and models it is called Chemical Model of Particles (CMOP).
General difference of CMOP to standard model:
Standard Model is based on "uncountable" assumptions and postulates (for example weak and strong force , QCD) , which are exclusively conceived to explain observations of elementary particles. Each assumption creates numerous questions which are not explained.
CMOP shows that for all observations concerning particles there are scientifically sound explanations and descriptions without using any assumption or postulate. CMOP uses exclusively following basic and generally accepted principles of chemistry and physics:
I. Number of particles of each type of fundamental particles stays constant in a closed physical system of the existing universe.
II. Particles interact in a way so that energy is conserved and entropy is maximal in a closed physical system.
There are so many physical issues which can be explained by CMOP but not by the Standard Model of particles that the CMOP will completely replace Standard Model. (see page "Tests of VTOE" and "Arguments for CMOP"). It is estimated that the CMOP is over a billion times more probable than the standard model of particles.
Conservation of fundamental particles means that a fundamental particle does not decay to smaller particles and that all particles which decay to smaller particles are no fundamental particles.
In CMOP there is also no need to postulate particles (bosons) to explain interactions. This leads to following conclusion:
All other elementary particles and by this all matter are bound arrangements of electrons and positrons. and can be described analog to the atomic orbital model for chemical elements. The existence of bound particles of electrons and positrons is proved and generally accepted: see page "positronium". There is no reason that the formation of particles by electrons and positrons is limitted to the observed particles. So the existence of the bound electron-positron particles strongly supports the CMOP.
The reduction of the actual 61 fundamental particles to 2 is also basis for the unification of all forces, as VTOE shows that all fundamental forces can be replaced by the electromagnetic interaction among adjacent electrons and positrons.
The configuration of elementary particles by orbital model explains all properties of elementary particles like mass, stability and decay reactions. So there is a strong analogy to the fact, that electron configuration of chemical elements explains mass, stability and decay reactions of chemical elements.
Due to the acceptance of orbital model for chemical elements there is no reason to discard this for elementary particles. A differentiation would not make any sense.
Thus a periodic table of elementary particles analog to the periodic table of chemical elements can be issued, which shows all known and unknown particles, including particles of dark matter and black holes.
By orbital model it can be shown that most stable particles are (in order of stability):
muon-neutrino due to fully occupied 1s orbital like helium without center (4 e±)
electron-neutrino because it has no charge and no center e± (2 e±)
proton(+) (p) and antiproton(-) due to fully occupied orbitals up to 2p like neon, but center e± (21 e±)
neutron (n) and antineutron due to fully occupied orbitals up to 2p and no charge; but instable because of one e± in 3s orbital (22 e±)
pion± due to fully occupied 1s orbital; but instable because of center e± (5 e±)
See page "Collider Experiments"
See page "Urgent Call for Reviews"
All Rights: Dr. O. Vogel , J. Vogel , A. Vogel ; Unabhängige Forschungsgemeinschaft UFG/ Germany
You-Tube Channel: (1) Physik ohne Widersprüche - YouTube