3. UNIVERSAL PRINCIPLES - The General Rules of Natural Sciences

3.1 The FIRST POSTULATE of New Physics/ SURe


 The first postulate of New Physics/ SURe:  Physics has to meet criteria for a natural science.

  Criteria for a natural science are:

  1. Descriptions of natural and experimental observations without using assumptions (= descriptions of the reality of the universe). Scientific principle: All observations refer to transfers of energy between physical units and are real.

  2. Definition of general rules which are conform to observations and consistent to other general rules. Purpose of defining general rules is to define universal general rules, which are valid for all observations in universe and thus are essential for the explanation and the understanding of the universe.

  3. Elimination of general rules which don’t meet 2. and thus are no reality. This is the most important task of a natural science.

  4. Overall: Find out reality by scientific method. (Scientific method leads automatically to scientific universal reality, which refers to the derived physical rules with highest level of generalization (Universal Principles). 

Currently physics describes human thoughts (ideas, hypotheses, theories) without the requirements that these are conform to observations (reality) and that these are consistent to other hypotheses. By this physics rejects scientific method and meets the generally accepted criteria for pseudo- or antiscience.


The first step of physics to convert to antiscience was the general acceptance of theories of relativity after 1905. Theories of relativity were completely derived by ideas which are well-known to be not conform to observations. After that physics could not return to science any more because of the “code of honor of physicists”: Physicists are not allowed to question already accepted hypothesis (theories ). When physicists falsified an accepted theory they had to create new theories instead of the elimination of the falsified theory. This procedure created more and more irrealistic theories and inconsistencies. Another problem was that all further descriptions and interpretations of observations of physicists were biased by their knowledge of irrealistic theories. New Physics shows that all claimed “verifications” of theories by experiments are invalid because of biased interpretations of these experiments. Physicists think that their knowledge of physics is reality but nearly all current physics is the knowledge of irrealistic thinkings of human beings.


A well-known historic biased observation is: The sun circles around the earth.

An unbiased observation is: The sun is seen in the morning in the east and in the evening in the west.


Such errors by biased descriptions of observations happened in physics hundreds of times. And physicists defended their errors even much stronger than the church in the case of orbital movement of sun around earth.

Another cause for the fact that physics is no natural science is that it allows and creates inconsistencies which are due to the code of honor of physicists: Physicists are not allowed to question already accepted hypothesis (theories ). By this it was not possible for physicists to do natural science. When physicists falsified accepted theories they had to create new theories instead of the elimination of the falsified theory. This procedure created more and more theories and inconsistencies. So physicists have outstanding intellectual capabilities, but they were not allowed to use these for finding reality by scientific work. Characteristic for this is that they could not use scientific method, which is the accepted methodology to derive reality by elimination of obsolete theories. Most physical rules which are conform to a natural science, are the rules which have been derived from daily observations, which are the basic rules of classical physics.



3.2 The SECOND POSTULATE of New Physics/ SURe


 The second postulate of New Physics/ SURe: The universe (all matter and energy) has been generated out of nothing (no matter and no energy).


Currently there is no theory of the generation of the universe but exclusively a theory of early evolution of the universe (big bang theory). All parts of big bang theory are not conform to scientific rules, which are based on observations. Thus big bang theory is not a product of natural science.

Deriving the only possible generation of the universe out of nothing


 It is obvious that there has to be something negative which can compensate something positive. But all negative amounts are just mathematically possible and not physically (have no physical meaning). Negative physical meanings have exclusively vectors like movement and energy of movement (= kinetic energy). By observations we know that moving bodies stop movement, when they do a centered collision and have same masses and same but opposite velocities.

 Finally you have to find out which movement can be regarded as intrinsic movement: This is self rotation, also called spin. Pairs of equal but opposite spin energies have a total spin energy of zero and thus can superpose to zero energy. If these superpose along the spin axis these have zero energy all the time. By the reverse process two opposite spin energies can be generated by separation along the spin axis without addition of energy. Also the acceleration for separation does not need energy as long as there are no other physical units which have to be pushed away (see SURe Vol.5). The generated spin energies are called by SURer fundamental particles (=FPs). Matter does not possess energy, but is energy. There is no other requirement for generation of FPs than the existence of empty space and time. This means:

  • The generation of the universe occurred not at one location in space but everywhere.
  • FPs were generated until all space was filled up with FPs.


 Following issues can never be described and explained by mankind because these are beyond natural sciences:

- Origin of space

- Origin of time

- Initiation of generation of matter

- All generated pairs of FPs having same size and energy.


Evolution of the universe (first step) derived by classical physics:

 Evolution is mainly based on the classical physical rule that physical systems have the endeavor to achieve a minimal intrinsic energy. Intrinsic energy of FPs is spin energy. After generation of FPs collisions of FPs occurred. There is an extreme small chance that FPs collide exactly at their spin axis and the FPs have opposite spin direction. If this is the case they are annihilated again by superposition. In most cases they collide at different positions of their spheric surface. In this case the FPs either superpose by increasing energy (same direction of spin at location of collision), which leads to reflection or the FPs superpose with decreasing energy (opposite direction of spin at location of collision) which leads to increasing superposition in order to achieve minimal spin energy. Minimal spin energy is achieved when the superposition goes up to spin axis and the spin axes are parallel. So minimization of spin energy means permanent superposition, which is known as bonding. Very shortly after generation of FPs nearly all FPs are bound FPs. For bound FPs it is quasi impossible to collide in a way which results to annihilation. Already now it is obvious that a structure of 3 FPs bound to one center FP (all with parallel spin axes) should be a relative stable particle. Indeed this is the structure of probably 99% of all particles:: neutrinos.


SURe does not only explain generation of matter but also the stop of generation of matter, because energy would be required if there is no empty space This is conform to the observations that there is no further generation of matter. If the space (volume) of universe would not be constant or the number of FPs would not be constant nearly every physical rule would change by time.

Matter being energy is conform to the fact that all observations in universe are transfers of energy. By observations matter has to be described as follows: matter is 3 dimensional space in universe which do transfers of kinetic energy when these collide. In order to do energetic interactions by collisions particles must have a specific size (= locality). Not any particle is dot-like. The expression dot-like has just a mathematical but not physical meaning. All observations show that particles (matter) have 3 dimensions. “Extra” dimensions are irreal.

By observations it can be concluded that all FPs have same properties (occupy same volume of spherical space and have same rotation velocities). Already two types of FPs with relevant differences would lead to millions of different chemical elements and there would not be any reproducible physical observation, which means not any physical law.





The universe is a constant number of identical spin energies (=fundamental particles, FPs) in a constant volume (=space) with a constant total energy of zero.





All interactions in universe are transfers of energy between FPs by collisions which require a specific time.




FPs have the endeavor to reduce spin energy by superposition (=bonding) by which spin energy is transferred to vibration energy of bonding. All physical units (mostly particles or bodies) are bound FPs.





Bondings of particles break when vibrations of bondings exceed the space of superposition. Break of bondings often leads to decay and emission of particles. The vibration energy of broken bonding is transferred to generated particles of decay. 




The three Universal Principles of interactions can be combined to one unique mechanism of interactions, which has been called collision/bonding/decay- mechanism (CBD- mechanism):

  • Every interaction in universe is initiated by a collision of physical units (PUs).

  • For a relevant interaction the collision energy (= kinetic energy of colliding particles) has to be absorbed by transfer to vibration energy of the generated transition state (adduct) of collided PUs. Absorption means that the vibration energies of the bondings of separate particles are merged to common vibration energies of the generated transition state. This results to an alignment of direction and phase of vibration to medium direction and medium phase.

  • If the increased vibration energy stays below the maximal amplitude of vibration this leads to permanent bonding of the transition state, which means the transition state (active interaction) gets a particle (requires collisions for changing). Bonding of particles is also called absorption of particles.

  • If the collision energy causes that the increased vibration energy of exceeds superposition of FPs the corresponding bonding breaks which mostly leads to a decay of the transition state. The vibration energy of broken bonding is transferred by equal parts to decaying particles. The decay of particles is also called emission of particles. Decay products are emitted to directions of vibration.

Explanation of local superposition:

The local superposition of FPs is completely different to the postulated superposition of specific properties like spin orientation by quantum physics! (see Vol.6).


After collision the direction of movement of colliding particles is deflected to the direction of minimal spin energy . The position of minimal spin energy of two FPs is achieved when spin axis are parallel and have a distance of about the radius of an FP. FPs prefer to do 3 superpositions to other FPs (3 bondings). Thus in all basic particles the FPs are bound in a plane rectangular to spin axes.


Detailed explanation of generation of vibrations:

 By the scientific principle of energy conservation the reduction of spin energy goes hand in hand with an increase of linear energy of movement towards the position of minimal spin energy. This movement of superposition does not stop at minimum spin energy but continuous beyond position of minimal spin energy. This causes that the spin energy increases again, while the energy of linear movement decreases. The result is an enduring energetic harmonic oscillation of bonding. The energy of oscillation is called by SURe vibration energy. The vibration of a new generated bonding affects all other vibrations of bondings . All vibrations are adjusted to a common oscillation frequency. Bondings of a bound subatomic particle are adjusted in a common plane. If particles collide the phases, directions and amplitudes of vibrations are merged. Sum of vibration energy and spin energy of a PU stays constant.




The Universal Principles can be described by mathematical functions, which are called Universal Formulas.

 By Universal Formulas you can simulate every action in universe by calculating states of energies before and after interactions of particles.

 Universal Formulas have not been worked out in detail till now, but basic steps are well defined. Concerning structures of particles you just have to calculate the minimum of spin energy by superposition. Spin energy (=FP) is given by the sum of rotation energies of all mass increments m(i) of the fundamental particle. SURe shows that the correct formula for kinetic energy is Ekin = m * v. This results in


E(spin) = sum over i of m(i) * r(i) * v(angular)

 For this calculation you need following fundamental properties of the fundamental particle: the angular velocity v(angular), the inertial mass (m) and the radius (r). As absolute values for v, r and m are not relevant for the interactions in universe you can do a normalization by setting these properties to 1.

By running the program with different numbers of fundamental particles „with manually forced collisions“ the program will calculate how the FPs are bound to elementary particles. This will show the structure of elementary particles: for 2 FPs the electron-neutrino, for 3 FPs the charged muon, for 4 FPs the neutrino, for 5 FPs the charged pion. Also the structures of protons, neutrons and nuclei will be shown and verify the predicted structures of SURe. It will show that all reactions can exclusively happen by collisions.


All interactions in universe can be simulated by programming the CBD – mechanism, which includes vibrations. By this you can simulate complete physical reality and by this the complete evolution of the universe from start to the end. The simulation will verify all predictions of SURe. Examples are:

  • Formation, stability and decay of all bound particles inclusive calculation of properties like inertial masses.
  • Formation of all force fields

  • All reactions in cosmos: in center, on surface and in atmosphere of all existing celestial bodies.

  • formation of stars and the decay of stars by supernova .

  • Nuclear fission reactions by supernovae.

  • Nuclear fusion reactions in center of stars.

  • Formation of neutron stars out of neutrons and black hole stars out of neutrinos (therefore called neutrino stars by New Physics).

  • Formation of galaxies and the “anomalous“ orbital velocities of stars.

The simulation of interactions of particles is rather difficult as more or less all FPs of a particle are involved. So mostly some simplifications have to be done. The simulation program exclusively works by a given value for space of interactions. Space means that there are frontiers where moving particles are reflected. The size of space is arbitrary but has to be much larger than total volume of FPs.

Overall the simulation program will be an impressive verification of New Physics/ SURe. For complex simulations the available computer power is currently not available.

 Programming hasn't been done up to now because of limited work capacities.





 Omnipresent particles are neutrinos. These are so essential for understanding of physics that these are already mentioned in this chapter.

 Neutrinos are so stable that nearly all particles in universe are neutrinos. The omnipresent neutrinos, abbreviated ONs, fill the complete space of the universe including the space between other matter (for example between atomic nuclei and atomic electrons). ONs are involved in  all interactions of the universe.


The simulation of interaction of particles will show that neutrinos consists of 4 FPs:

 One FP in the center and 3 FPs bound to this in a plane with bonding angles of 120 degrees.

 The extreme stability of a neutrino can be explained by the symmetry which causes that the vibrations of bondings are well distributed over the 3 bondings.


Neutrinos are well known under different names:

  • If neutrinos move to arbitrary directions these are currently called dark matter. New Physics calls these omnipresent neutrinos, abbreviated ONs. ONs are equivalent to cosmic microwave background (CMB).
  • If neutrinos are emitted (always by CBD-mechanism) and do directed movements in a group these are currently called electromagnetic waves, radiation, light or photons. New Physics calls these radiated neutrinos, abbreviated RNs.

  • If neutrinos are bound to specific structures or to other particles these are called by New Physics bound neutrinos, abbreviated BNs. The specific bound structures are explained in New Physics/ SURe Vol.5. Examples for bound structures of BNs are

  • electric fields incl. inner-atomic electric fields (these bind atomic electrons to nuclei)

  • magnetic fields

  • gravitational fields

  • black holes (incl. quasars and super massive black holes). New Physics calls these neutrino stars.


Neutrinos interact like all other particles in universe. New Physics/ SURe shows that the hypothetical mass of zero or “nearly” zero is not physical reality. Their inertial mass is about 150 MeV/c². This can be verified by collision experiments.

 There are continuously bonding and decay reactions according to CBD-mechanism of ONs with other matter. This means that all matter have bondings to neutrinos which are in a reaction equilibrium with ONs. 




 3.10 Explainable by CBD-Mechanism: EVERYTHING


 New Physics would be a theory of everything if it would be a theory. Below there are just some of the most important physical issues explained by CBD-mechanism. The rest is explained in New Physics/ SURe Vol. 1-8.


 1. Constant linear movements of PUs

  • Origin of constant linear movement are constant vibrations of bound FPs. A change of vibration energy can exclusively occur be collisions, thus a change of movement can exclusively be done by collision. If there are no relevant collisions all PUs do a constant linear movement relative to PUs which have constant vibration energy and thus constant movement. Movement is a relative property and cannot be defined without reference. Change of vibrations are equivalent to change of movement which is currently called acceleration and deceleration. Overall this means that all accelerations and decelerations in universe occur by collisions of PUs. The resistance against acceleration or deceleration of a PU is called inertial mass. It is proportional to number of internal bondings as all vibrations of bondings have to be changed. By increasing inertial mass PUs increase there potential to resist acceleration or deceleration by collisions.

    Irrelevant are all collisions without interaction by bonding, which occurs when particles have such a high vibration energy (kinetic energy) so that they just penetrate other particles instead of interacting by CBD-mechanism. Therefore high energetic RNs do not interact with matter except with large nuclei (= radioactivity). Collisions to other particles do not change velocity of RNs, but they strongly reduce propagation speed of RNs. This is also the case for penetration.

2. Changes of movements of PUs:

  •  Changes of movements (accelerations/deceleration) refer to adjustments to harmonic vibrations after collision of PUs. This means by change of movement PUs achieve that their vibrations of bondings , which got inharmonic by collision, return to harmonic vibration.
  • All accelerations, inclusive those which are currently explained by forces like gravitational or electromagnetic force are caused by collisions of PUs. The apparent forces over a distance refer to collisions of ONs to bodies (gravitational force), resp. to collisions of charged particles to BNs in form of electric or magnetic fields.

3. Deflections of movements of PUs: 

  • All changes of directions of movements occur by CBD mechanism, as CBD mechanism mostly includes a change of orientation of vibration. New Physics/ SURe shows that this is valid for: Reflection, all types of scattering, refraction, diffraction, interference of RNs, dispersion of RNs, deflection by mag

4. Magneto-optic effects:

  •  All magneto-optical effects are due to collisions of polarized RNs to BNs of magnetic fields and have to be explained by CBD- mechanism.

5. Consumption and Generation of usable energy

  • Usable energy is kinetic energy

  • By bonding the kinetic energy of absorbed PU is transferred to vibration energy, which means by bonding like nuclear fusion usable energy is consumed

  • Mostly a decay reaction follows a bonding reaction by which in nearly all cases RNs are emitted.Specific low energetic RNs are heat. Heat is a preferred form of kinetic energy for usable energy. Thus indirectly nuclear fusion reactions generate usable energy although these directly consume kinetic energy.  



3.11 Additional Comments concerning Universal Principles


Universal Principles include following scientific principles (general physical rules):

  • Scientific principle of conservation of energy
  • Scientific principle of relativity

  • Scientific principle of symmetry

  • Principle of progress to increasing entropy

  • Principle, that rates of reactions increase by increased number of collisions.

  • Principle, that reactions will form an equilibrium of reverse reactions depending on concentration and kinetic energy.


According to SURe our universe is a closed physical system, because there are no observations of interactions with other universes. Universal Principles are valid for our universe.The Universal Principles are the key for the explanation of observations which have not been understood till today and of observations which will be done in future. The majority of observations (interactions), which have not yet been understood, refer to biology. We have to consider that all what happens in biology happens on basis of Universal Principles: every movement of a muscle, all functions and actions of our organs, the conduction of information to our brain, the storage of information in our brain, each thought in our brain, the development of diseases. Now we have a very good basis to define mechanisms for all biological processes. And by knowing the mechanisms we can have influence on these. That is the basis for development of therapies against diseases. By this there is a very high chance to eliminate cancer and dementia within a relative short time period.

According to SURe our universe is a closed physical system, because there are no observations of interactions with other universes. Universal Principles are valid for our universe.The Universal Principles are the key for the explanation of observations which have not been understood till today and of observations which will be done in future. The majority of observations (interactions), which have not yet been understood, refer to biology. We have to consider that all what happens in biology happens on basis of Universal Principles: every movement of a muscle, all functions and actions of our organs, the conduction of information to our brain, the storage of information in our brain, each thought in our brain, the development of diseases. Now we have a very good basis to define mechanisms for all biological processes. And by knowing the mechanisms we can have influence on these. That is the basis for development of therapies against diseases. By this there is a very high chance to eliminate cancer and dementia within a relative short time period.


Universal Principles answer also general questions of mankind.

 The Universal Principles answer non-physical questions of mankind including scientifically sound explanations (see chapter 8).

 Examples are:

  • Why are living beings part of the universe?
  • Why are human beings part of the universe?
  • What is our final task to fulfill evolution?
  • Why are disputes and wars part of the universe?
  • Why are we unusual curious and brave?
  • Why do most human beings want to be better than average?
  • Why is the existence of a superior force beyond physics a logical consequence of Universal Principles?
  • Why did mankind discovered physical reality so late?